Category: General
10 Skills You Need That You Won’t Learn In School
I just read this article: 10 Skills You Need to Succeed at Almost Anything. I think it’s a great list. At least for my career path, I can directly attribute a great deal of my effectiveness and successes to skills on this list. Being able to communicate clearly and articulate a point or argument, verbally…
Doing The Best Job You Can
I was reading a story about some airline employees failing to take care of a passenger with MD, and one comment mentioned how a Japanese airline employee hand delivered a jacket a passenger had left behind on the opposite side of the country. Without making any particular comments on the US airline industry’s current level…
Pixily – Go Paperless!
I have a filing cabinet filled with paperwork, receipts, warrantees, contracts, rental agreements, and more. I’m basically a computer person, and I love searching and instant gratification, so I’ve always wanted to scan everything in, and have a bunch of searchable PDFs that take up no physical space, and are easy to back up off-site.…
It occurs to me that doctors and scientists are encouraged to, and given job time, to write and publish papers/articles in journals, etc… I think employers should be encouraging developers/architects to release or work on open source projects, post technical articles, keep a technical blog, etc… Not only does it let developers keep up with…
Design Comparison
Good design is apparently harder than you might think. Let’s take a quick look at three big online cosmetic/accessory web store-fronts:,, and I’m not an IA, so I won’t try to do a big analysis. I’m just going to let you look at the three different home page looks across the three…
What is Web 2.0?
Tim O’Reilly regards Web 2.0 as business embracing the web as a platform and using its strengths (global audiences, for example). (source Wikipedia). I’ve typically considered Web 2.0 to be sites using technologies like AJAX and Flash to provide an enhanced user interface (think Google Maps), and/or involving community users are as a critical component…