Category: ATG

  • Spark::red Expands ATG Hosting Offering

    Today I’m shilling for an amazing company, Spark::red. They provide unparalleled managed ATG application hosting. I know and trust the folks running it, and have been working with them for a while now. They have really been stellar to deal with and have turned things around in hours and days, whereas I’d gotten used to…

  • Design Pattern for Updating an ATG Order

    This is from a post Jeremy Sears made here on the ATG_Tech Google Group, but I thought it was nice and clear and worth reposting. All credit to Jeremy for this: “In general, the design pattern for updating an order is as follows: Acquire lock-manager write lock on profile id from the /atg/commerce/order/LocalLockManager Begin Transaction…

  • ATG Installation on OS X

    While ATG runs fine on OS X, and while many people inside and outside of ATG use OS X as their primary operating system, the ATG installer STILL doesn’t work under OS X. It “mostly” works. It seems to work, it installs things, however if you try to do stuff, like patch, or like adding…

  • ATG Dynamo – back to basics

    I worry that ATG has mis-focused it’s energy. In the last few years, ATG has introduced (or purchased) a number of new products which sit on the existing stack. Ticketing Features, Search, Merchandising, Campaign Optimizer, Knowledge, Self Service, Response Management, Commerce Service Center, Outreach, and Customer Intelligence). I haven’t had a chance to play with…

  • ATG Security

    World-facing websites always have to be written carefully in order to prevent malicious attacks. There are tons of additional vulnerabilities and attack vectors which need to be addressed as well, but in this post I’m going to talk about the two most common: Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection. If you already know what…

  • Accessing nested Item properties within a RepositoryFormHandler programatically

    If you have a RepositoryItem which has a collection of other RepositoryItems as a property, editing things on them via a single form and RepositoryFormHandler can pose some difficulties. For instance, you have an Item called Garage, and it has a List of Car RepositoryItems as a property named cars. If you are using a…

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