Category: Java

  • Free Seam Cheat Sheet

    DZone has released a free Seam Cheat Sheet Refcard: If you’re using Seam it’s definitely worth a download. It is a very quick way to look up all of the commonly used annotations you might want, the schema URIs for various libraries, etc… Give it a look-see!

  • Why I Won’t Deal With TransAmerican

    Generally I’d never post about a negative business interaction. We’ve all worked with bad recruiters, bad employers, bad contractors, and so on. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, and I don’t want to bad-mouth anyone. That said, TransAmerican has pushed my limits too far. These guys are some sort of ATG…

  • Preventing Multiple Submits On An ATG Form

    Often, you’ll want to prevent impatient users from clicking a submit button multiple times, as you can end up with multiple actions taking place, or object state can get in a bad way leading to errors. For this example we’ll assume you have a final Submit Order form that actually places the order, auth’s the…

  • Huge Logs and OS X

    Another reason that I love my mac: it can handle 1.3 GB log files easily with built in tools. I recently received a huge log file in zipped form from a co-worker with the warning “good luck opening it, textpad won’t open it.” After unzipping it to the full 1.3 GB size I was able…

  • Protocol Buffers

    I just read about the recently released Protocol Buffers from Google. “Protocol Buffers allow you to define simple data structures in a special definition language, then compile them to produce classes to represent those structures in the language of your choice. These classes come complete with heavily-optimized code to parse and serialize your message in…

  • JForum SSO (single sign-on) and Atlassian Crowd

    Over at our new ATG Developer Community site, we’re using Atlassian Crowd to manage our user accounts, groups, and single sign-on (SSO) between Jira, Confluence, to manage Subversion authentication, and to handle the forums (JForum) user accounts. There was an example on how to integrate JForum and Crowd, which works pretty well. When you login…

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