Category: Java
ATG Security
World-facing websites always have to be written carefully in order to prevent malicious attacks. There are tons of additional vulnerabilities and attack vectors which need to be addressed as well, but in this post I’m going to talk about the two most common: Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection. If you already know what…
Accessing nested Item properties within a RepositoryFormHandler programatically
If you have a RepositoryItem which has a collection of other RepositoryItems as a property, editing things on them via a single form and RepositoryFormHandler can pose some difficulties. For instance, you have an Item called Garage, and it has a List of Car RepositoryItems as a property named cars. If you are using a…
StringUtils in ATG Dynamo
A hidden gem in ATG Dynamo is the simple, but VERY useful, and totally undocumented StringUtils class. It lives in the atg.core.util package in DAS/lib/classes.jar. It has several methods, but the most commonly used are isEmpty(String) and isBlank(String). Both return a boolean, and are very useful for validating form input and the like. One thing…
Minor update
A minor release to 10MinuteMail just went out. It adds a few languages and language cleanups, bringing us up to 26 supported languages!!! Thanks to all those who have volunteered their time! There’s also a new feature to grab a new e-mail address at any time. Mail sent to your old address(es) will still show…
JBoss Tools Properties Editor Surprise
No, not the kind of surprise with cake. The latest JBoss Tools Eclipse plugin, which if like me you are running on a platform that they haven’t released RedHat Developer Studio for is a pretty good option, which can be installed through Eclipse using this update URL: Sets up your default editor of .properties…
seam-gen and multiple projects part two
This is a follow-up from my post two days ago “seam-gen and multiple projects“. After some feedback from “atao” in this thread on the JBoss Seam forum, I have taken a different approach to the problem, and have enhanced seam-gen to generate targets within the generated project’s ant build script, which in turn call the…