Devon Hillard’s Digital Sanctuary
Turning 28
I am turning 28 today. I am no longer “in my mid-twenties” and am solidly “almost thirty”, which frankly seems like a very serious transition indeed. I don’t feel any different, but in my mind I’m steadily moving out of the last block of “youth”. I find it unsettling to imagine being thirty-ish and going…
Driving (near) Mrs. Clinton
I’ve spent the last two days driving in Hillary Clinton’s motorcade during her visit to Washington State. I received an instant message out of the blue from a friend of mine asking if I’d had any accidents or traffic tickets in the last 3 years. I said no, the last driving issue I had was…
Should Developers Manage Copyright Like Photographers Do?
While fighting the forces pulling me out of bed this morning, I had an idea: would everyone benefit if copyright on source code was managed more like copyright on photographs? I think everyone would win, and no one would lose. I’d like to hear your thoughts as well. I am a Java developer/architect by day,…
Oracle PL/SQL Loop to Update Fields with Periodic Commits
Have you ever had one of those moments where you’ve just completed importing 1.7 million user records from flat files into an normalized set of ATG Personalization tables, plus some custom tables, and you only then realize that the passwords from the old system, while in the compatible md5sum format, are all UPPERCASE, while ATG…
ATG Cache Header Control Module
Many ATG application server static content, or semi-static content, from within the ATG application’s .war file. It is often much simpler to package CSS, JavaScript, Flash, Images, and other files in your web application than to try to manage them separately and deploy correctly in development and production instances. It is often desirable to set…
Why use emacs instead of vi?
Butterfly mode of course!
Got any book recommendations?