Devon Hillard’s Digital Sanctuary
Quartz Scheduling and Seam (part 1)
I am working on a new application, which will require some scheduled jobs. I used EJB3 Timers in 10MinuteMail, but now Seam includes and uses Quartz, an open source scheduling system. So I figured I’d try the new hotness. So far, it’s been a rough road, and I’m not 100% up and running yet (hence…
It’s no wonder that Sore and Parkour rhyme
On Monday I went to UW to try to learn a little Parkour. Christian has been into it for a while and has been in many newspaper articles and TV news spots and is pretty good. I figured it would be fun to try. I arrived at UW a little early due to some mercifully…
A sense of security
Last night we went to a Halloween party. It was fun, and in a cool location, a large artistic studio warehouse thing underneath an interstate bridge. There was an outdoor area with a bar, a firepit, and a projection screen. There were two indoor areas: one with a bar and a performance area with musical…
I’m not going to blog about the tragedy of the California fires. However I do have family down there (who are safe, thankfully) who sent me some pretty amazing pictures. Which I wanted to share here: (click on an image below for full size)
Design Pattern for Updating an ATG Order
This is from a post Jeremy Sears made here on the ATG_Tech Google Group, but I thought it was nice and clear and worth reposting. All credit to Jeremy for this: “In general, the design pattern for updating an order is as follows: Acquire lock-manager write lock on profile id from the /atg/commerce/order/LocalLockManager Begin Transaction…
CAPTCHA with Seam in Three Minutes
Adding a CAPTCHA to a form using Seam is easy now that Seam is bundling jCaptcha. The Seam documentaiton is good, and can be found in section 13.9 here: If you used seam-gen to create your project, you will need to make a few changes. First, you need to modify your project’s ant build…
Got any book recommendations?