Tag: 10MinuteMail
10MinuteMail Mentioned in 2600
First, you have to understand how big a deal the 2600 Magazine is/was to me. When I was just a wee hacker on a 32MHz Apple finding a place that sold 2600 was like finding a place selling Holy Grails. We’d pour over the pages multiple times, and pass it around to all our computer…
Interesting article about 10MinuteMail in the Taipei Times
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2008/06/16/2003414884 It’s especially interesting how the availability of 10MinuteMail in so many different languages makes it more likely to be a popular site in other countries. It stands to reason, but not something I’d really considered directly. If your site isn’t USA specific, you’d may want to consider offering your site in multiple languages.
10MinuteMail Video on Revver
I found a video someone made about using 10MinuteMail. You can view it here: 10 Minute Mail video I’m pleased that people find it useful enough to bother creating a how-to video about it. Happy users are the best thing you can have. And if you haven’t seen it, I have a video tour of…
Follow-up Article on Network World
Check it out here: http://www.networkworld.com/community/node/26251
Update on 10 Minute Mail problems
As you know if you’ve been following my blog, 10MinuteMail starting dying with OutOfMemory errors seemly randomly. Sometimes it would happen after 2 days of uptime, sometimes after a week. I ran load tests and profilers but could not reproduce the issue. On the upside I can say that the 10 Minute Mail application can…