Simple Wufoo Style Form Handling Using AWS

Hello fellow techies,

I am excited to share my latest open source project – an innovative Web Form Submission Application built with TypeScript and deployed using AWS CDK.

This application is designed as a simple system for form submissions from your website, storing the data directly in AWS DynamoDB and sending alert emails for each submission. It’s a perfect solution for managing web form submissions without having to worry about maintaining a backend for your forms.

Think of it as your own private Wufoo. Easily have any existing form saved to a DynamoDB Database and email you with the form data.

Project Overview

The application is composed of a serverless backend powered by AWS CDK. This includes a few AWS Lambda functions, which are responsible for handling form submissions and alerting you via email, all behind the powerful API Gateway. The form submissions are stored in DynamoDB tables, providing a reliable and scalable storage solution.

To ensure flexibility and simplicity, the application accepts any form submissions you send and alerts only to the email configured in the system.

It’s important to note that while the system is straightforward to use, I recommend careful usage, considering potential risks such as abuse from bots or malicious attackers. As of this initial release, there is limited protection against XSS or other injection attacks.

Getting Started

Before deploying the CDK Stack, make sure to create a .env file with your configurations based on the provided example.env file.

Check out the GitHub Repository for a comprehensive file, which includes all the instructions you need to get started with the project, from setting up the environment variables to deploying the stack.

Testing The Application

To make things easier, I have included a simple front-end in the form of a test HTML and a JavaScript file you can use on your own site easily.

By running a local HTTP server, you can use these files to interact with your deployed serverless backend.

What’s Next?

As this is the initial release, I will be continually working on enhancements to improve the system’s functionality and security. I plan to add features such as attachment handling, admin and form configurations to provide more control over the form submissions and responses.

Join Us on This Journey

Being an open source project, I believe in the power of community and collaboration. I are excited to see how you will use this system and are looking forward to your contributions. Whether it’s improving the code, adding features, or even reporting bugs, your involvement is what will make this project truly exceptional.






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